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The I-Zone: Yash Gupta MBE: I Can and I Will

8th June 2017
Posted by Chris Tiernan

The former mayor of Thurrock, Essex, Yash Gupta will be celebrating his 82nd birthday this year, still sprightly, he is an influential, popular and highly respected former councillor who has successfully completed 20 years of service. Yash will be entering ‘The Inspiration Zone’ on Sunday 11th June at 15:00 on ‘Our Local Radio’ Gateway 97.8 with me Jag Singh. Me, Yash and his grandson Ravi Agrewal will be discussing his amazing and inspiring book titled – I Can and I Will.

Yash came to Thurrock, Essex in 1974 following his appointment as a Educational Psychologist for Essex County Council. Three years later he was promoted to the post of senior Educational Psychologist in charge of delivering psychological services in South West Essex. His areas of responsibility included Thurrock and Basildon.

Yash states that during his 22 years of service as a psychologist he has assisted up to six to eight thousand children, parents and teachers which is totally amazing! Yash thoroughly enjoyed his job as a psychologist but finally decided to retire in 1995. None the less he still could not let go of the passion he had for the work he had done so he continued to work for another five years as a part-time psychologist providing his service to the Thurrock and Basildon colleges.

Yash then entered the local politics arena in order to continue to serve the local communities and provide support for those residents who did not have any say in local decision making. As a councillor he worked hard at promoting the equality agenda in the council and through other statutory bodies such as the Primary Care Trust and Thurrock Development Corporation, serving the latter as a member of The Board of Governors.

Over the years Yash has worked hard to promote the interests of the local voluntary, community and faith sectors and has helped to create better relations between the representative organisations and the council. He has always devoted much of his time to strengthening the local voluntary sector through working with other colleagues on the boards of eight local voluntary, community and faith organisations.

On Sunday, Yash will speaking about his amazing book – I Can and I Will, a book that reveals all the challenges and struggles Yash experienced throughout his life but never gave up. Instead, no matter what happened he just kept moving forward to achieve his goals and dreams. In the book Yash also talks about his political, volunteering and community experiences and achievements.

So, join me, Jag Singh, Yash and Ravi on Sunday at 15:00 on Gateway 97.8 and hear Yash speak about his amazing inspirational life and book.

For information on how to obtain your very own personal copy of Yash’s book simply click on the link below:

On Sunday, The I-Zone will be providing a motivational Hindi, Punjabi and English powerful playlist to spring board you into action for the week ahead. There will also be a special short motivational speech to help assist in blasting you into action to make your dreams and goals become a reality provided by the amazing – Team Fearless – USA. So, sit back, buckle up, take a deep breath and get ready to enter the inspirational roller coaster ride ‘The Inspiration Zone’ on Gateway 97.8 this Sunday coming.

Be Motivated! Be Inspired! Be There!

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