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The Rotary Club of Corringham Thameside have handed over ‘Dictionaries For Life’ to year six students at Bulphan Primary School. The Give-away is an annual event for the club, in which this is the fifth year. Below is an article cited from the club’s website from last years event.
For the fourth consecutive year, the Rotary Club of Corringham Thameside has purchased “Dictionaries 4 Life” to present to year 6 pupils at three local schools. The “Dictionary 4 Life” is part of a literacy programme reflecting Rotary International priorities and Corringham Thameside is proud to support it.
On Tuesday, club president, John Wallington together with Immediate past president, David Fenn took part in an assembly at Giffards Primary School where they were invited to tell the children about the work of Rotary. This was followed by a short question and answer session in which the children asked – How many people had Rotary helped? How does providing wheelchairs change peoples lives? And at what age does Rotary help children? All good questions to which we were able to provide the answers.
Both John and David will be visiting Bulphan Primary School on Monday 16th July to take part in a similar assembly and present dictionaries to that school.
On Thursday 19th July they have been invited to Corringham Primary School’s Year Six Disco to present them with their dictionaries.
John and David emphasised the importance of obtaining literacy skills and asked the children to make sure that they used their dictionaries when they move to their new schools in September.