
Posted by Aston Avery

Artificial intelligence can now predict if you’re ‘breaking your diet’

Artificial intelligence ( the ability of a machine to display human -like capabilities) is used for everything from face recognition to open your phone to working your smart home devices and shopping online but now the technology can predict if  you’re  faltering on your diet.

Allurion Technologies a company dedicated to ending obesity, say their AI success predictor can determine as early as 20 days into a weight loss programme if the patient is on track or not to reach their minimum expected weight in what they’re calling a game changer.

Just last month the government released its food strategy for England, seeking to address the obesity crisis to combat a worrying trend of people becoming obese or  ‘super obese’- with a BMI of 50, 60 or 70.

The machine-learning algorithm worked on millions of data points from more than 20,000 Allurion Balloon Program patients in 50+ different countries and is the first in a pipeline of machine-learning algorithms designed to improve patient outcomes.

Obesity is proven to  lead to low self esteem, depression and confidence issues along with more serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes and a risk of a range of cancers.  Allurion say supporting people as soon as they are struggling, before they give up on their weight loss programme will benefit thousands.

Aston spoke to Simon Monkhouse, consultant weight loss surgeon and Zoe Griffiths, dietitian at Allurion Technologies.

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