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GP Dr Sarah Jarvis on baby milestone moments

6th October 2020
Posted by Aston Avery

Every new parent is filled with a mix of emotions from the moment their child is born – joy, excitement, love and happiness but also worry, anxiety, nervousness and fear.

Some big milestone moments like laughing, rolling over and crawling can happen at all different ages but a recent nationwide parent surveyfound only 4 out of 10 new mums and dads were aware of three key movement milestones their baby should be achieving within their first three months; holding their head up, moving their arms and legs and reaching out for things.

Furthermore, 1 in 6 do not expect a baby to typically be able to make any physical movements within their first three months. 

Think 3 at 3 Months is a new awareness campaign to help parents and caregivers check for possible early signs of neuromuscular disease in babies, launched by Novartis Gene Therapies.

Aston spoke to Dr Sarah Jarvis to discuss neuromuscular disease, the importance of the Think 3 at 3 Months campaign and of parents raising any concerns with their GP immediately.