Posted by Aston Avery
Leonna Mayor previews 2023 Grand National
Saturday 15th April marks the 175th running of the biggest horse race of the year The Grand National.
But how does one pick their winner? There is some logic to it of course! Some would say examine the list of runners and cross off any horse carrying more than 11 stone. Then eliminate those older than 12 and younger than 9. The race does throw up the occasional winner at long odds but not often so cross off any horses with odds longer than 33-1.
Choose two or three horses from the names left on your list. It is best to go for the highest rated animals that are left. You can check out their ratings online but their number in the race is indicative of their rating. The highest rated horse carries number one and the second highest number 2 etc.
For those that would take a less mathematical approach, other factors to think about are favourite names of horses, colour of racing silks, or any personal association too!
Aston spoke to former horse jockey now TV presenter Leonna Mayor and Lee Phelps from William Hill.
Photo by Philippe Oursel on Unsplash
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