
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: addressing female hair loss for World Menopause Day

As women worldwide continue their action in educating people on the menopause, there remains an area which is still not focused on enough, even though menopause is a catalyst for it: hair loss.

We are all familiar and accepting of male hair loss, but women often face shame and embarrassment, with many not knowing where to turn to for help.

A staggering 87% of us know women who suffer from hair loss. Across the UK, 36% of women have experienced hair loss in one form or another – a statistic which increases to nearly half (49%) for those aged between 35-44.

Taking care of our hair is a point of pride for both men and women with both reporting they would rather cut back spending on takeaways (29%) and eating out (25%) than hair wellness (4%).

Aston spoke to Dan Hodgdon, CEO of Vegamour and hairstylist & author Jordanna Cobella.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

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