
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: could buying toys for children this Christmas lead to a heavy festive bill?

Research has indicated that, of the 20 toys an average British child receives at Christmas, 40% of these are being neglected within 3 months of the festive period finishing.

Although British households will undoubtably have a socially ‘less-restricted’ Christmas this year, many may feel a tighter financial ‘pinch’. On average, typical households will spend an additional £740 in the month of December, which is 40% more than other European countries.

Specifically, children’s Christmas toys can incur further financial weight on the festive bill. Research shows that the typical household spends an eye-watering £135 at Christmas on toys alone.

Aston spoke to Kerry Abass, head of customer experience at Whirli.

Photo by Hannah Rodrigo on Unsplash

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