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Rosie Ramsey on Gateway 97.8

13th November 2019
Posted by Aston Avery

No parking spaces, nagging kids, busy aisles and not enough cash… there are many challenges facing shoppers during the weekly grocery shop. In fact, for mums and dads the challenges add up even more. According to research by new loyalty subscription service, Tesco Clubcard Plus, nearly a third (32%) of parents end up spending more when they go grocery shopping with the family than without, rising to 36% amongst parents of under 18’s. A quarter (24%) say they spend more than they should on their weekly shop.

But when it comes to shopping around for the best deal, one in eight (13%) feel they don’t have enough time to do so, with this rising to one in six (17%) parents of under 18’s. A third of Brits (33%) feel that the price of good quality food is too high for most families to afford and 22% wish they didn’t have to spend so much on a food shop, so they had money for other important outgoings.

One of the most common tests parents face during the shop include children nagging them for things (38%), while, one in five parents (19%) also admit their kids even try to sneak items into the trolley.

Aston spoke to Rosie Ramsey, actress, presenter and podcaster to discuss the research in further detail and they also spoke about Chris Ramsey’s progress on Strictly Come Dancing as well.