
Posted by Aston Avery

Steven Smith on holidays

On Daytime, Aston Avery and regular contributor Steven Smith spoke how to get ready and prepare for going on holiday especially now that we’re in the summer season along with great guests.

The first guest Aston and Steven spoke to was therapist Heidi Gammon.

Heidi Gammon

Aston and Steven spoke about holiday nightmares.

Steven Smith pt 1

The second guest Aston and Steven spoke to was entrepenuer Zaheer Muneer.

Zaheer Muneer

Aston and Steven highligted Pride Month.

Steven Smith pt 2

The third guest Aston and Steven spoke to was actress, comedienne and writer Julie Coombe.

Julie Coombe

The fourth guest Aston and Steven spoke to was Watermans creators Gail & Matt Waterman.

Gail & Matt Waterman

The fifth guest Aston and Steven spoke to was make up artist Sherrie Warwick.

Sherrie Warwick

Aston and Steven previewing what they have next time.

Steven Smith pt 3

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