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Listen: Are you a human robot?

27th April 2021
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

The robots aren’t coming – they’re already here! There is no denying that we are already seeing increased disruption across all industries as AI and robots replace human jobs, and the trend will continue to accelerate.

However, the robot takeover of the repetitive aspects of jobs also creates an opportunity for employees to add real value through the uniquely ‘human’ elements of their professions. Across all industries, including hospitality, retail, and even healthcare – soft ‘human’ skills are in increasing demand.

Stand Out: 5 key skills to advance your career reveals the essential skills we all need to be focussing on in order to stand out at work. The core soft skills to improve include engagement, listening, empathy, collaboration and storytelling, and improving these skills is the key to competing in an increasingly digital and automated world.

Johnny spoke to author, Debra Stevens: