Basildon Blackout

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Basildon Blackout

9th September 2013
Posted by Ros Connors


I just signed the petition “Essex County Council: Leave our lamppost on at night in Basildon.” on

I feel that not enough has been done to find out whether we really want to lose our street lighting late at night; whether we will feel secure; whether the energy savings could have been better achieved by different, but sufficiently effective light sources; whether we believe the claimed success of street light cuts in Uttlesford and Maldon are representative of conditions in Basildon; whether we can trust the County Council to listen to objections and prioritise local views over those of Officers from miles away; whether we can trust County Cllr Rodney Bass to listen to us over this issue any more than he listened over the issue of speed limits at Dry Street; whether the cost savings to County and reduction of light pollution will be effectively offset by citizens finding it necessary to flood light their properties and finally, whether the magistracy has been consulted, for it is a regular procedure for them to seek to discover whether there was adequate street lighting when considering burglary cases and unwarranted public exposure to hazard.

County has already funded and fitted sensors on all street lights in anticipation of their new ‘lights out’ measures. Where was the consultation? Is it acceptable that Southend and Thurrock can provide good lighting, but that we, under County, will be left in the dark when the mandarins at County so decide? Does Basildon Borough merit less street lighting coverage than either Thurrock or Southend?

Light pollution, waste of energy, concerns over our carbon footprint and worries about the future costs of energy profligacy concern us all. So do arbitrary decisions affecting our sense of security and the safety of those who provide essential services who must needs be about between midnight and 5a.m. transport workers, health care workers, post office workers, delivery people and those in the media as well as those returning home late.

The petition wants our views considered and heard. It wants the November 1st introduction of street lighting cuts to be withheld until proper local debate has taken place; it wants cuts along the A13 and A127 to be put on ice.

It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link:

Essex County Council plans to switch off the majority of lampposts, in Basildon, off every night from midnight till 5 AM.

I believe local people should be properly consulted rather than have decisions on potentially contentious issues imposed upon them. Localisation and transparency are supposed to be supported by this Government. Would that they were by County.

