
Posted by Aston Avery

Anna Williamson teams up with Cadbury to solve the UK’s dating dilemmas

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many Brits will be thinking about how they can find their perfect match. While there’s the usual small talk to get to know someone, a question that might’ve flown under the radar is: “How do you eat your Cadbury Creme Egg?”

Eating icks and ticks are one of the major bones of contention holding the nation back from finding love. Research by Cadbury Creme Egg reveals that almost a quarter (24%*) of single Brits have owned up to walking out of a date if they don’t agree with the way their partner eats their food. And more than two thirds of Brits (71%*) have considered breaking up with their partner based on their eating habits.

Research also found that 67%* admitted that bad dates have turned them off dating completely. While over half (55%*) of singletons say they take regular breaks from dating when it becomes too much; over three-quarters (77%*) are currently on a break from swiping right or left.

Aston spoke to TV presenter and dating expert Anna Williamson.

Photo: Holly Dawson

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