
Posted by Aston Avery

Brits call for government to fix hospital entertainment

Over two thirds (64%) of U.K adults think the government must spend more to fix archaic entertainment systems in hospitals.

This number goes up to a staggering average of 73% among young adults (18 to 34).

A national survey was conducted to evidence how important entertainment provided by the hospital was to a patient’s stay. Over half of adults (53%) and just over a third of pensioners (38%) agreed that hospitals and other healthcare facilities make them feel “isolated and cut off from the outside world, friends & family”.

The NHS is believed to have £150,000,000 worth of outdated infrastructure (54,000 bedside units) that was supposed to be fully functioning and is now in dire need of modernisation. This is funding that some believe could be used to pay for new equipment able to improve patient satisfaction and make their time in hospital more enjoyable.

Aston spoke to Matt O’Donovan from WiFi Spark.

Photo by Glenn Carstens Peter on Unsplash

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