
Posted by Aston Avery

Craig Phillips helps the nation upgrade their homes

New research from Santander has found that, despite 70% of homeowners in the UK being more concerned than ever about the impact they have on the environment, the same amount finds it too overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to making eco-upgrades to their homes.

The data found that homeowner action is being blocked by confusion around what retrofitting actually is, with almost a third (32%) admitting they’ve never heard the term. Common misunderstandings around the upfront costs of making eco-improvements are also cited as barriers for nearly two thirds (61%) of homeowners, with nearly one in five (17%) believing they need to spend £20,000 to make a difference to their property.

With nearly two thirds (63%) of homeowners wishing that everyone in their neighbourhood would make one or two eco-improvements to make their area a greener place – London (40%), Leicester (30%) and Plymouth (25%)  came out on top when looking at areas where residents were most likely to have carried out improvements on their homes.

Aston spoke to TV builder and the first ever winner of Big Brother Craig Phillips.

Photo by Eugen Str on Unsplash

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