
Posted by Aston Avery

Katherine Ryan on making family mealtimes exciting

WHEN asked what their child would rate their cooking out of 5, confident parents averaged a score of 3.99, with their top sources of inspiration coming from their mothers (55%) or grandmothers (14%).

But new research reveals that a huge 85% of parents are looking for ways to make mealtimes more exciting, as a huge 73% of parents consider their children to be fussy eaters – over 1 in 5 (22%) say this is consistently true.

And kids aren’t afraid to speak their minds, either. According to the new survey by food-box pioneers Gousto – which spoke to 1000 parents of 3-10 year olds – 49% of children would express their thoughts just from looking at a dish, whilst 14% will actively try to negotiate to avoid eating it.

Aston spoke to comedian Katherine Ryan.

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

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