
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: avoid being conned into a “botched” plumbing job

WaterSafe – the UK register for approved plumbers – is calling on homeowners to only use approved contractors when undertaking plumbing work in their homes. The organisation is highlighting the results of its recent research, which reveals the potential risks associated with hiring unqualified individuals.

The survey shows that over half (53%) of Brits do not use an approved plumber to ensure a job is carried out properly and their drinking water is kept safe. What’s more, 1 in 10 people have suffered from a “botch job”, due to the involvement of an incompetent plumber – resulting in an average extra cost of £287 to have it put right. Unsurprisingly, a huge 90% of respondents believe it should be a legal requirement for all plumbers to possess a minimum set of qualifications and be listed on an official register. These findings underscore the importance of engaging certified professionals to ensure the safety and integrity of plumbing systems supplying drinking water in homes, businesses, and public buildings.

And as the cold weather continues, looking after our pipes and heating is more important than ever. But research finds that many Brits unknowingly neglect their plumbing needs. Half of the nation fails to arrange a yearly boiler service, and just 28% have a plumber’s number readily available in case of an emergency. What’s more, 70% leave dripping taps unfixed – potentially wasting over 5,000 litres of water every year.

Aston spoke to Julie Spinks, director at WaterSafe and Jerry Whiteley, plumber from WaterSafe.

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