
Posted by Aston Avery

Noel McDermott on beating the back-to-school blues

With the Summer holidays drawing to an end, many children will feel anxious about going back to school. Here, mental health expert Noel McDermott looks at how to spot signs of the back-to-school blues and ways to help prepare your child in advance for starting a new school year. The great thing is that we know these mixed emotions are coming, so we can plan ahead and make sure we have in place all those things we know make us feel better when we’re low.

Get ahead of the problem by preparing your child in advance:

  • Explain that it’s okay to feel a bit low about going back to school, it’s a normal reaction.
  • Educate yourselves as a family. A lot of the distress children suffer could be alleviated by applying tools and techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The book, Mind over Mood: Change How Your Feel by Changing the Way You Think, can be a great help.
  • Treat your kids – have a list of those things your children especially like and treat them when you think they deserve a lift, this will also help them regulate their emotions. You also deserve treats – be kind to yourself.
  • If your child shows signs of the blues when school starts, try behavioural interventions first, like re-teaching good sleep hygiene and making sure you have regular family meals.
  • When talking to an anxious child, relax your muscles and lower the tone of your voice, whether you think there’s a problem or not. Your child will copy you.
  • Normalise emotions. Explain that stress hormones mess up how we think and feel during a transition. Then explain that we can deal with this by looking after ourselves extra well. This approach, known as ‘psychological education’, is a great way of turning stressful times into learning opportunities.
  • Get outside – nature is brilliant at lifting mood and it doesn’t have to be the great outdoors, your local park is just as good! In fact, even noticing something simple outside like the tree at your local bus stop will elevate your mood! Take a walk in a park or do a mindful meditation together. Both biophilia (an innate affinity between humans and the natural world) and mindfulness have been shown to lower stress while improving health and wellbeing.

Aston spoke to psychotherapist and mental health expert Noel McDermott.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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