
Posted by Aston Avery

Parents grapple with teen vaping habits

In an era where vaping has become a trend among teenagers, a recent nationwide survey reveals alarming concerns among parents. Over half of the parents in the UK – precisely 51% – are troubled about their children smoking or vaping, with certain cities witnessing concern as high as 83%. These startling figures call for immediate action and awareness.

The survey from Hayyp underscores a critical need for parental intervention. An overwhelming 72% of respondents believe parents play a pivotal role in teenage vaping habits, suggesting that the solution starts at home. As guardians, the onus is on us to guide our children through these turbulent waters.

The concern transcends beyond vaping. A significant 61% of parents are worried about their teenagers’ mental health, highlighting the intertwined nature of substance use and mental wellbeing. Additionally, 63% express apprehension about drug use, painting a broader picture of the substance abuse threats faced by our youth.

Aston spoke to chartered consultant psychologist Dr Jane McCartney and Markus Lindblad from Hayyp.

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