
Posted by Aston Avery

Smiley Charity Film Awards 2024

The saying often goes that charity begins at home. But how much begins on a screen?

New research shows how over a third (35%) of Brits are more likely to support a charitable cause after watching a film that highlights their work and of those who watched charity films in the past year, an encouraging 62% went on to support those charities in some way, whether it be through monetary donations, fundraising or volunteering.

Research from the Smiley Charity Film Awards highlights how important charitable causes are to people in the UK – as a third (32%) of Brits support charities at least once a month in any capacity through donations or giving their time to volunteer.

Aston spoke to Simon Burton, co-founder of the Smiley Charity Film Awards.

Photo by Kilyan Sockalingum on Unsplash

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