
Posted by Aston Avery

Specsavers founder calls for equal access to eye care for all

While 2.7 million people in the UK would benefit from at home eye care where they live, only 460,000 such home eye tests were recorded in the domiciliary setting . While regular eye tests are essential for everyone, they are especially important for people who struggle to leave their homes and those living in care homes. These people are five times more likely to experience sight loss, contributing to social isolation and reduced independence.

Dame Mary is calling for equal access to eye care for all, especially those who rarely leave their homes or who live in care homes. Due to complex medical needs, such as dementia, reduced mobility and hearing loss, many older people are unable to access high street opticians, communicate their eye care needs, or easily access home visit services.

A government requirement to submit a pre-visit notification before carrying out an eye test for those who can’t leave their home unaccompanied, including those in care homes, is being called out by Specsavers as an unnecessary administrative step which is further thwarting access to eye care.

Aston spoke to Specsavers founder Dame Mary Perkins.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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