
Posted by Aston Avery

The formula for creating the best holiday memories

Behavioural scientist Jo Hemmings and travel expert and photographer Nicky Kelvin have teamed up to unearth the formula to make travel memories even more special – and it’s as easy as ABC-D!

As Brits prepare to head off on their summer travels, *87% of us say taking photos is important for capturing the memory, but neuroscience research suggests these memories can be made even more special with the removal of one key component – distractions.

The Google Pixel team has created its formula for capturing long-lasting, positive memories  = (Attention +Boldness +Connection) – Distractions. This is based on neuro and behavioural science theories* that show moments comprising trying new things, bold adventure and bonding shared with our travel companions contribute to creating special moments. And the key to remembering those memories clearly? Photos without distractions. Background distractions (like strangers and unwanted objects) in the photos we take can change the way we look back on a memory. Removing them can make memories feel even more special.

Aston spoke to travel expert Nicky Kelvin and psychologist Jo Hemmings.

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

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