
Posted by Gateway 97.8

Listen: how to make your home appealing

We’ve all done it – the dash to open a window, light a candle or that saving spray of an air freshener just before we welcome guests into our homes, to mask any of the lingering unpleasant smells that tend to linger in our houses.

It seems like Brits want to avoid the dreaded sense of smell-barrassment when welcoming others into their house, as new research from Febreze points out that over half (59%) often feel uncomfortable when there is a lingering, unpleasant smell in their home, and they have guests over.

In fact, just talking about funny smells can be plain awkward – as 1 in 4 Brits (28%) would feel uncomfortable but opt to stay quiet in order to not offend friends/family, if they smelt a bad scent in someone else’s home.

Ryan spoke to cleaning expert Laura Mountford.

Photo by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot on Unsplash

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