
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: take the leap for your health and wellness

40% of NHS costs go on treating preventable conditions – such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. The burden of just one preventable disease – cardiovascular disease – costs society over £18 billion each year. Further, 63.5% of the nation is now classified as overweight or obese, according to the NHS.

Despite this, new research by Uniquely Health shows that nearly half (45%) of people have not weighed themselves since the last leap year and over three quarters (79%) haven’t measured their waist circumference in that time. 70% of Brits haven’t had a general health check and 73% have not monitored their heart rate in that time!

The survey found that not even half (49%) of UK adults believe they would be classed as ‘healthy’ by a doctor or health/wellness expert.

Aston spoke to exercise scientist Sabine Hoadley and GP Dr Jim Robinson.

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