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The Pop-up problem facing the UK

27th June 2019
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

We’ve come accustomed to the instant click out of any and all pop-ups that besiege us every day but new research suggests that by doing so we could be harming our computers health even more!

Now with specific ‘pop-up blockers’ and such, our computers may be blocking information suggesting updating our software and in doing so, protecting our computers better.

A shocking , 55% of all software on PCs globally is outdated, with people reluctant to take instruction from pop-up messages and the like.

This epidemic of outdated software, built on our habitual actions, leaves British consumers and businesses at a much heightened risk of hacks and personal data loss. So, how do we break out of these habits that have become ingrained in the way we use our devices and computers?

Johnny spoke to tech psychologist, Dr. Mark Neath and Avast consumer security expert, Stephanie Kane: