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Chef Simon Rimmer on BBQ stakes

14th April 2021
Posted by Aston Avery

Half of Barbie owners say they’ve improved their grill skills since lockdown 1.0 and rate themselves ‘sizzling hot ‘with a pair of tongs in hand.

Over the last year we’ve been getting the BBQ out at least weekly (48%) and a hardy one in ten say they’ve taken to the grill daily.

The research commissioned by Weber found we’re planning on going bigger and better with our outdoor menu. (28%)

We’re being more experimental too grilling whole joints and fish rather than the classic burgers, drumsticks and corn on the cob.

Aston spoke to chef and TV presenter Simon Rimmer to discuss why Brits are giving some of their counterparts a run for their money in BBQ stakes.

Photo by Evan Wise on Unsplash