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Listen: young drivers feel pressured by other motorists

9th September 2020
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

Young drivers are often tarred with the ‘bad driver’ brush due to their lack of experience on the roads. While this may be true for some, there are those who opt to install a black box in their car to ensure they drive safely and correctly – despite receiving increased aggression from other drivers according to a new report. 

‘Beyond the Box’, a new report released from Co-op Insurance, shows over half (53%) of the UK’s 17-25-year-old drivers are being put under pressure to drive faster by other motorists. As a result, a quarter (24%) say they feel physically unsafe when driving. 

The report, which is the most in-depth study into driving behaviours, reveals increased aggression towards young motorists using a black box. Four fifths (80%) have experienced another vehicle driving too close to them, 72% have experienced another driver overtaking them when it is not safe to do so and close to half (43%) have been on the receiving end of rude hand gestures. A further fifth (21%) have felt pressured to pull out at a junction when it wasn’t safe. 

When looking at how often young motorists are having to deal with these poor driving behaviours, for almost a third (30%) this is a weekly occurrence and for over a quarter (27%) such behaviours are experienced monthly. As a result, a fifth (23%) say they feel anxious whilst driving. 

Johnny spoke to TV and radio presenter Melanie Sykes and Paul Evans from Co-op Insurance: