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High anxiety a huge issue

23rd June 2021
Posted by Aston Avery

New Research has revealed that a third of women in the UK are suffering from “Reopening Anxiety” since the initial easing of lockdown due to the lack of access to clean public toilets.  That figure is significant seeing as it equates to the most recent NHS estimate that 34% of women in the UK now live with urinary incontinence, suggesting a strong link between them.

The survey of 2000 women aged between 30-60, which was carried out by Innovo to mark World Continence Week, (Monday 21 to Sunday 27 June 2021) also found that almost half (47%) of women with incontinence issues have turned down a social invitation because of anxiety about toilet access or queues , and this is likely because 39% have found it difficult to access a public toilet since the easing of lockdown.

Aston spoke to Dr Meg Arroll, chartered psychologist and author.