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Coalhouse Fort is set to re-open its doors

30th August 2024
Posted by Aston Avery

Historic Coalhouse Fort, in East Tilbury, is set to re-open its gates to visitors again for the first time in four years, as surveys to identify what works are required to return the fort to its former glory get underway.

A series of open days will also take place at Coalhouse Fort, giving residents with an interest in history an opportunity to have their say on how it should be run in the future.

Cllr Val Morris-Cook, Cabinet member for Community Partnerships, said:

“We are pleased that this historic monument will finally re-open to the public and we can begin to assess what work is required to fully re-open it.

“We will be working with Historic England to ensure that all renovations carried out are appropriate, up to their standards, and in keeping with this historic landmark.

“Following such a long period of being closed it’s great to see Coalhouse Fort open its doors again. We look forward to opening up more and more of this great landmark in the future as work on it progresses.”

The first open day is expected to take place this autumn.

Funding for the project has been made available from the Lower Thames Crossing’s Designated Heritage Fund.