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UK homes lose heat faster than any other country in Western Europe

6th October 2020
Posted by Aston Avery

With the cold autumn weather making the Indian summer a distant memory research conducted in 80,000 homes across Europe to investigate the level of heat loss in the UK compared to our European neighbours shows that the UK comes bottom of the league table compared to countries in both warmer and colder climates. Norway topped the list losing only 0.9°C during the 5 hours study, closely followed by Germany (1°C) while the UK came in last place losing 3°C, narrowly in front of Belgium (2.9°C)

Compared with some Western European neighbours such as Germany, UK homes are losing heat up to three times as fast. This in turn results in British heating systems having to work harder to maintain the temperature.

The UK has the oldest housing stock in comparison to EU Member States with approximately 38% of its homes dating from before 1946, compared to 24% for Germany and Sweden. There are also regional differences in government programs to financially support retrofitting improved home insulation and energy efficiency in homes. However the Green Homes Grant means that homeowners and landlords in England can apply for a voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient and low-carbon heating improvements to homes, which could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills.

Aston spoke to Christian Deilmann from Tado to discuss the findings in further detail.