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Talking to your children about Coronavirus

18th March 2020
Posted by Tyler

The British Psychological Society says it is vital to talk openly to children and reassure them about the changes they are seeing around them due to Coronavirus.

Some of the changes, like people wearing face masks or empty supermarket shelves, can be scary for children and they are likely to need to talk to someone they trust about some of the imaginative misinformation they might have heard from friends at school.

The advice stresses that it is important to be truthful, but remember your child’s age. An honest and accurate approach is best, giving them factual information, but adjusting the amount and detail to fit their age. For example, you might say ‘we don’t yet have a vaccination for Coronavirus, but doctors are working very hard on it’  or ‘a lot of people might get sick, but for most people it is like a cold or flu and they get better’.

Tyler spoke to Dave Traxson, a committee member of the British Psychological Society:

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