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The Essex movement trying to get the county fit!

27th May 2020
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

June is fast approaching and we could all do with getting moving to boost our fitness.

The 3030 Essex movement is asking people to MOVE for 30 minutes for every day of June!

Life may have made you more sedentary and less mobile, or less motivated because we are at home more than we were. Use June as the motivation to move. Get up and move around more, get those steps up, try an online workout or dust of your bike and head out for a bike ride.

3030 Essex is a great way to begin or refresh your journey to getting more physically active. Chunk the time down into 10 or 15 minute blocks; a brisk walk at lunchtime or picking up the pace when taking the dog for a walk. Everything counts.

No challenges to complete, no distances to run, no targets to beat – just 30 minutes of movement for the 30 days of June – your way!

For more information, head to the 3030 Essex website.

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash