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2020 sees surge in smokers trying to quit

22nd September 2020
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

This Stoptober, smokers in England are being encouraged to put their lungs first, strengthen their immune system and breathe easier ahead of flu season by joining over 2 million smokers who have made a quit attempt since 2012 with the annual campaign.

Smoking damages the lungs and airways and harms the immune system, leaving us more vulnerable to infections, such as flu. Smokers generally have an increased risk of contracting respiratory infections and experiencing more severe symptoms. Stopping smoking brings immediate benefits to health, including for people with an existing smoking-related disease.

The smoking prevalence among adults in England is at a record low of 13.9% and in East of England is 13.7%. This year, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has calculated that in East of England 68,000 people stopped smoking during the coronavirus lockdown.

New data published today from the UCL Smoking Toolkit Study shows that compared to 2019, the proportion of smokers in England making a quit attempt has increased from 29% to 35%, an increase of almost a quarter. The success rate for quit attempts has risen from 14% to 23%, representing an increase of almost two thirds, the highest in over a decade.

Neil Wood, Health and Wellbeing Program Manager at Public Health England, East of England, said: 

“October is on its ways and with it brings Stoptober; the perfect opportunity for smokers to get the help and support they need to quit. While the coronavirus pandemic has meant this year has been very challenging and stressful for many, Stoptober is a great springboard to start you on the path to improve your health and give up for good.

“Now more than ever before there is a wealth of quit smoking aids and free local support services available. I would encourage anyone thinking of quitting to visit the Stoptober website, make a ‘personal quit plan’ and commit to giving up smoking this year with Stoptober. Evidence shows you are more likely to quit with support from a local stop smoking service than if you try to go it alone. Giving up smoking really is the best thing you can do to improve your health.”

Leading UK health organisations including ASH, British Lung Foundation, British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK are joining in the call to get smokers in England to give quitting a go this Stoptober.

Professor Jamie Brown, Director of the UCL Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group and co-author of a living rapid evidence review on smoking and COVID-19, said:

“Evidence shows that many more smokers are trying to quit in 2020 and the highest numbers are succeeding since at least 2007.

“While the evidence on COVID-19 outcomes for smokers is still developing and remains uncertain, what is clear is that stopping smoking brings rapid improvements in respiratory and cardiovascular health.

“Quitting now will not only benefit people’s individual health and help improve their lung health ahead of flu season, but it will also help to reduce the demands on the healthcare system in these difficult times.”

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and media medic added:

“Stopping smoking is the best thing we can do for our health, which is why we are once again encouraging all of England’s smokers to give quitting a go this Stoptober. 

“Quitting is so much easier with the right support which is why Stoptober is back to help people and communities join the two million people that have already made a quit attempt through this successful campaign.

“There are plenty of options for quitting, from digital tools including the Stoptober app and Facebook support groups, to stop smoking aids and expert support from local stop smoking services.”

Stoptober provides the information and support people need to quit smoking for 28 days, based on research that if a smoker can make it to 28 days smokefree, they are five times more likely to quit for good. 

This year, Stoptober is offering a range of free support tools for those looking to quit, including digital services that are easily accessible for those looking for online support. These tools include the Stoptober app, Facebook messenger bot and online communities, SMS and daily emails. There is also a Personal Quit Plan that helps people find a combination of stop smoking support that’s right for them, with options including expert support from local Stop Smoking Services, stop smoking aids and digital tools.

Search ‘Stoptober’ now for a full range of quitting support options.

Photo by Julia Engel on Unsplash